====== DZ Item Category Maintenance window ====== Access from [[dynamiczip:windows:DynamicZip Setup Navigation]]. //Permission to access this window is contained in the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:Tax Setup Task]].// ===== Window Description ===== This window is used for creating, deleting or modifying [[dynamiczip:glossary:Item Category|Item Categories]] for use with the DynamicZip [[dynamiczip:features:tbic:Tax By Item Category]] feature. You can enter a [[dynamiczip:glossary:Tax Option]] in this window and roll that Tax Option down to all the Items in the selected [[dynamiczip:glossary:Item Category]]. The roll down will be made to the [[dynamics:tables:Item Master Table]]. ---- [[dynamiczip:windows:windows|DynamicZip Windows]]\\ [[dynamiczip:setup:setup|DZ Setup]]