====== DZ Customer Address Supplement table ====== //Permission to access this table is granted to the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:customer_cards_task|Customer Cards Task]].// ^Display Name| DZ Customer Address Supplement | ^Technical Name| KD_CustomerAddressSupplement | ^Physical Name| DZ01101 | ^Database| COMPANY | The purpose of this table is to preserve the tax schedule selection criteria. The [[dynamiczip:glossary:Geocode]] field in this table provides a way to preserve the actual city, county and state used for Tax Schedule Selection. As of [[dynamiczip:install:mods:release:Build72:Build72|Build 72]] this geocode comes from the geocode stored in the [[dynamiczip:tables:DZ Tax Schedule Supplement table]] related to the tax schedule selected for the customer's address. Please see [[dynamiczip:glossary:address_supplement|Address Supplement]] for more information. In addition to this, the new table provides a way to save tax exemption information on a per address basis. You can view the contents of this table by opening the [[dynamiczip:windows:DZ Customer Address Supplement window]]. ---- [[dynamiczip:tables:tables|DynamicZip Tables]]