====== Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window ====== //Inquiry > Purchasing > Purchase Order Documents > select at least one Include option for a receipt > Redisplay button > select a shipment or shipment/invoice > Receipt No. link// Use the Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window to view detailed information about posted documents. This is a Microsoft Dynamics™ GP window. Please see the Microsoft Dynamics™ GP help for more information on the functionality of this window. ===== Additional menu ===== * [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_tax_detail_zoom_window|Accrued Purchase Tax: Report]] * [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_pop_invoice_accrued_tax_summary_entry_window|Accrued Purchase Tax: Source]] ---- [[dynamiczip:windows:Additional_Windows|Additional Windows]] \\ [[windows|Microsoft Dynamics Windows]]